If you have a physical 100% business, such as a restaurant, barbershop or beauty center, the LLC is not the only solution, but a tool that should COMPLEMENT your SL. This will allow you to generate expenses and pay less taxes in Spain at the end of the year.
Typical case: Juan, owner of a laundry, invoices and earns €1,000 net in April from his SL.
Theoretically, Juan would pay a % on the profits (Profit Tax), with a general rate of 25%. This means that €250 goes to the Treasury. Then, you withdraw €750 from your individual, which is again taxed in your personal income tax, say a 20%, resulting in €150 for the Treasury. Although there are other fixed costs (Self-Employed Fee, management), in this case there is not much room for maneuver. The result: Juan receives "net" of less than €600.
With LLC: Juan invoices €1,000 net from his SL, but this time he has an LLC.
It generates an expense of €1,000 from the LLC, labeled “web management and social networks.” Juan pays €1,000 from the SL to the LLC. In the eyes of the Treasury, the SL has earned €0 that month. You save 25% of taxes for free. It is true that those €1,000 will later be taxed in personal income tax, but a FREE 25% is nothing to sneeze at.
End of story. Things become incredibly simple with an LLC.